Promoting Cognitive and Executive Functioning Skills focuses on curriculum construction so that children develop cognitive skills related to exploration, numeracy, science, executive function, and social studies. It offers instruction on guiding children’s development in math concepts, community awareness, environmental influences, and play. The course emphasizes the Cognitive Development domain of the NH Early Learning Standards. In accordance with best practices for acquisition of math and science concepts, the course uses high-quality children’s books and learning materials, providing various approaches to instruction and multiple lesson plans related to early childhood education in each cognitive area. The course explores assessment tools and the documentation of children’s progress. Students create activities and lesson plans in each area to add to their professional portfolios, and they observe children within an approved ECE setting for up to fifteen hours. (Prerequisites ECE118W)
Berlin (Main Campus)
2020 Riverside Drive
Berlin, NH 03570
Littleton Academic Center
646 Union Street
Littleton, NH 03561